CAMBRIDGE, MASS. – Today, seven companies pitched their innovative digital products to promote healthy aging to judges at the finale of the Healthy Aging Sandbox Challenge, a months-long competition run by MeHI, the Mass. eHealth Institute at MassTech. The finale, hosted at Cambridge-based venture firm The Engine, was the culmination of the first Sandbox Challenge, a virtual competition series that connects startups working to address key healthcare challenges with the Massachusetts digital health community, including world-class R&D centers across the state.
The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech (MeHI) is pleased to announce the eight finalists for the Healthy Aging Sandbox Challenge. The Challenge was designed to find digital health solutions that can help older adults live as well and independently as possible by supporting their physical, mental, and social health.
The Innovation Institute’s Collaborative Research Matching Grant Program supports research and development projects by investing in critical infrastructure.
The City of Boston offers support to businesses seeking to move or expand in Boston. The Healthcare and Life Sciences team can help connect you with resources and opportunities within Boston’s world class ecosystem.
Through the MassNexGen program, women-led early-stage companies will be awarded a year-long customized package of support to refine their business strategies and effectively raise capital.
The Acorn Innovation Grant supports Principal Investigators at Massachusetts research institutions (universities and medical centers) who seek to demonstrate the viability of their technology.
MassVentures draws from their deep network of business development experts to match academic founders with the entrepreneurial champion best suited to address their unique needs or challenges.
Massachusetts Innovation Network is the home of THE EDDIES - a 7-month, no-cost, no-equity innovation-support program that includes Individualized mentoring, strategic guidance, leadership education, and connections to resources for early-stage startups.