WESTBOROUGH – The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative recently announced awards for the new Right Care 4 You grant program totaling $189,360 for two digital health companies to support pilot projects with Massachusetts employers to help reduce their healthcare costs. The two competitive grants were awarded to Fitbit to conduct a randomized controlled trial with UMass Memorial Health Care (UMass Memorial) employees, aimed to help prevent and manage cardiometabolic diseases using Fitbit Premium™ and Health Coaching services and to Vincere Health to conduct a pilot of their smartphone-connected smoking cessation solution with Boston Medical Center (BMC) employees.
WESTBOROUGH – The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech (MeHI) has awarded new grants from the Digital Health Sandbox program to support three Massachusetts startups to test and validate their products and services at three different sandbox environments across Massachusetts. These three awards, totaling $105,500, will allow Lexington-based Keva Health, Cambridge’s Dynocardia, and Boston’s caresyntax to access the cutting-edge tools and staff at three innovative Sandbox R&D centers located in Massachusetts. The grants will help each company to test their products in real-world settings, advancing the product lifecycle, working with the innovative facilities located at PracticePoint at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), UMass Medical School in Worcester, and TechSpring, Baystate Health’s innovation center in Springfield.
The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech (MeHI) has selected four new healthcare R&D hubs to join the Digital Health Sandbox Network and awarded grants to support three digital health companies in accessing the network.
WORCESTER – January 14, 2020 – Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy and Worcester Polytechnic Institute President Laurie Leshin joined leaders from across Central Massachusetts and the healthcare technology community to officially open the new PracticePoint facility at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). The new research and development facility is located at WPI’s Gateway Park. Today’s event included a ribbon cutting, tours of the four innovative healthcare test beds housed in the facility and an industry-focused panel featuring companies that are members of the new center.
WESTBOROUGH – The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech (MeHI) has selected three of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ leading healthcare R&D hubs to join the Digital Health Sandbox Network, which connects Massachusetts-based startups to cutting-edge R&D facilities and allows them the opportunity to apply for funding to test their innovations at one of the Network’s labs. The new additions to the roster of Sandbox locations are Brigham Digital Innovation Hub (iHub) in Boston, MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) in Cambridge, and TechSpring at Baystate Health in Springfield, Mass.
We caught up with the award winners at the 2019 MassChallenge HealthTech Finale to get their reaction to winning, their thoughts on the Massachusetts digital health ecosystem, and find out what their experiencing in the latest MCHT cohort was like.
BOSTON - MassChallenge, a global network of zero-equity startup accelerators, today awarded more than $200K in cash prizes to six elite digital health startups from the 2019 HealthTech accelerator.
WORCESTER — Governor Baker today announced a new grant program as part of the Administration’s Digital Health Initiative that will provide $500,000 in funding to open doors for healthcare technology startups to access research and development “sandboxes.” Governor Baker made the announcement during a visit with Digital Health Council members at WPI’s PracticePoint, one of the facilities supported by the program, where healthcare startups will be able to test existing technologies and develop new products and services.
In 2015, a three person team at Boston Children’s Hospital set out to help the estimated 20 percent of children struggling with emotional regulation, which often shows up as anxiety or outbursts. That team grew into a stand-alone company called Mightier, a startup that produces modified video games that help children develop skills to regulate their behavior and emotions.
We recently sat down with Trevor Stricker, one of the founding members of Mightier, to get a better understanding of their product and how it could change our approach to behavioral health. During the interview, Stricker noted how Massachusetts played a unique role in forming their company.
During his 30 years in the aging and caregiving space, Benchmark Chairman and CEO Tom Grape has seen a fair amount of change in the industry. Today, Benchmark operates nearly 60 different properties for seniors with four areas of focus: independent living, assisted living, mind and memory care, and continuing care retirement communities. While Grape manages a growing portfolio, he is always on the lookout for innovative products and solutions to implement at Benchmark.