The digital health market is emerging rapidly, and has the potential to improve the state's economic bottom line by creating jobs, attracting investment, and developing solutions that improve healthcare delivery and ultimately help contain healthcare costs.
The strength of the Mass Digital Health ecosystem is driven by:
- Startup Hub: Massachusetts is home to approximately 375 digital health companies, a world-class customer community of 79 hospitals, top academic medical centers, research institutions, reform-minded community care settings, and innovative payers – all in close geographic proximity, separated by a few hour’s drive.
- Innovative Infrastructure: Recognized as an early adopter of EHR technology, Massachusetts is a leader in advancing health reform and in building the infrastructure needed for digital health innovation. There is also an unparalleled network of innovation assets, from digital health accelerators to sandbox environments.
- Top Talent: #1 for STEM talent density and the top Science and Technology state, Massachusetts is a well-regarded hub for medical research and education, there is no better place to launch and scale your innovative healthcare product.
- Collaborative Environment: Our world-class clinical, research, life sciences, medical device, analytics, robotics, cybersecurity, and software communities are integrating and converging every day to facilitate new ideas and products on the edge of discovery.
- Community Commitment: Public and private leaders are working and investing together to build a stronger and more competitive entrepreneurial ecosystem.
To learn more about the Digital Health Initiative, including ways to help grow your digital health business or career in Massachusetts, contact ehealth@masstech.org.