Women’s Health Challenge Launch Event

Date: September 26, 2023

Time: 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Category: Conference


Massachusetts State House
Great Hall
24 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108
United States

Women's Health Challenge

Join the Massachusetts eHealth Institute for the launch event for the Women's Health Challenge. This event is sponsored by the chairs of the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing, Senator Cindy F. Friedman and Representative John J. Lawn, Jr. We will kick off the application period for the Challenge with a keynote address and a panel discussion on "How Digital Health Can Improve Maternal Health Outcomes".
In addition, the event will host a showcase of the leading R&D hubs from across Massachusetts, allowing you to network and connect with members of the Massachusetts Digital Health Sandbox Network as they demonstrate their capabilities and resources. Startups that have participated in past Digital Health Sandbox Programs will also display their interactive solutions.